Direct Action #51 (September 1988)

Issue #51 of Direct Action, with articles on the Stalinist leadership of the ANC and COSATU, racist attacks, workfare-type schemes, the possibility of a split ahead of the TUC congress, a strike at Yardley in Basildon, post office news, revolt in South Korea ahead of the Olympics, housing and a proposed housing bill, anarcho-syndicalist strategy and class, establishment hypocrisy on Ireland, a letter criticising DA's coverage of that subject, religious education, an article from the Australian ASF about the colonisation of Australia, and more.

Submitted by R Totale on May 18, 2020


DA 51.pdf (24.55 MB)


R Totale

4 years ago

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Submitted by R Totale on May 18, 2020

On the cartoons in this one, I like the one that's obviously taken from Viz, mildly intrigued by the one on page 7 showing a man in a suit with a copy of Black Flag and then a tank-top wearing urchin holding Direct Action - is besuited Black Flag man Meltzer? Any idea about the other? And guessing that "Hull-CIA link exposed" is a jibe about the former DAM branch/Hull Syndicalists, rather than just suggesting that the entire city of Hull is a CIA psyop?

May 18, 2020

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