
vote for a hung parliament [Kinnock and Major in nooses]
Including: UK election, UK news, poll tax, Peter Clowes robs pensioners, Scottish independence centrespread, royal family, green issues, letters,…
It seemed unlikely but it happened. On 19 December, Gabriel Boric, the centre-left candidate for the Chilean presidential elections, beat his…
The article which follows was written before the German elections last month. The German lower house of parliament (Bundestag) reopened today (26…
This video is a debate between two fictional characters: One in favor of voting and electoralism, the other bitterly opposed. https://youtu.be/Mv7naNWfZ4A [youtube]Mv7naNWfZ4A[/youtube] My personal opinion is I don’t have a problem with voting but believe that electoralism is harmful. Regardless of whether or not you vote, we should focus on building a mass-movement to win reforms by our own actions and build our…