Submitted by Juan Conatz on April 22, 2015

On January 9 a strike for an increase in wages was won by the Food Workers' Industrial Union, No. 460, at Ritchie's Dairy, Toronto, Ontario.

However, Cleveland continued to be the center of the I.W.W.'s major activities. The Cleveland Plain Dealer in the week of August 9, included an article about the I.W.W. under this significant heading: “I.W.W. Gains Respect Here -Tribute to Cedervall Brothers - Pure Industrial Unionism."

In March the Superior Carbon Products Co. was added to the list of Cleveland companies which recognized the I.W.W. as representative of its workers. The Cleveland Steel Barrel Co. went I.W.W. in May, as did also the Globe Steel Barrel Co. and American Stove Co. Recognition of the I.W.W. by the American Stove Co. was challenged by the C.I.O. in June. However, the I.W.W. won out in an election supervised by the National Labor Relations Board. In July, the I.W.W. was elected as the bargaining agent at the Independent Register Co.

A short strike occurred at the Glove Steel Barrel Co. on June 29, as the result of management's encouragement of organizing efforts on the part of the A.F.L. This strike was won and insured the continuance of the I.W.W. as sole collective bargaining agent.

Conferences were held in Spokane and in Minneapolis by members of the Railroad Workers' Industrial Union, No. 520, in the closing months of 1937 to determine ways to strengthen the union among the maintenance workers of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, the Great Northern, and the Northern Pacific railroads. The drive which resulted was not particularly successful.

Marine Transport Workers' Union, No. 510 was active in Philadelphia, particularly, but also at New York, Galveston, Jacksonville and Tampa. They were protesting the use of the Copeland “Fink” Books. These books, known as "Continuous Discharge Books" were required under the Copeland Act. The I.W.W. objected to these books, because they believed the books would facilitate "blacklisting."
