Table of Contents

Submitted by ludd on December 29, 2010

Utopyin' Heads

from our readers

Readers Blurt Back
responses to pw reader survey

Trading Futures: The Abolition of the Economy
analysis by mickey d.

Virtual Hell
fiction by chris carlsson

Boudoir & Bidet
tale of toil: wifing for dollars, by kwazee wabbitt

A Drink of Water
fiction by jon christensen

The Shape of Truth to Come: New Media & Knowledge
analysis by chris carlsson

Slashing the Semiotic Cityscape
report on guerilla art, by d.s. black

Terror of the Scientific Sun
article on nuclear weapons, by greg williamson

Haitis in Rush Hour
poem by christopher cook

by suzanne freeman, sam friedman, lyn lifshin, robert w. howington. linda
johnson, clifton ross,
alexander laurence & david fox

Death of a Nation
future scenario by adam cornford

TRANZITZONE: Cyclical Catastrophe
tale of transit hell by d.s. black

Two Wheels Good! Four Wheels Bad!
transit analysis by primitivo morales

reflections by kwazee wabbitt

poem by adam cornford

Critical Mass Update:
a good idea knows no boundaries!

Welcome to Pacifica
fiction by michael c. botkin


Tech Talk: Mediamatic and Wired
magazine reviews of mediamatic and wired, by chris carlsson

On the Job Action
review of victor santoro's fighting back, by primitivo morales

The Job Thing
review of comic anthology the job thing: stories about shitty jobs, by linda johnson

analysis by richard wool

The Pyramid and The Tree
article by adam cornford
