Information, guides and tips on organising around issues which affect you and other people living in your local area. Copied to clipboard Attachments Community organising.pdf (403.55 KB) Building Mutual Support and Organising in Our Communities Door knocking guide Get Up and Get Going: How to Form a Group How To Set Up An Anti-Raids Group How to Set Up a Local Newsletter How to run a community stall How to start a community kitchen Key ideas for community organising Organising in our Communities: Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth Resources for starting an antifascist group Things you can do to build resistance to raids and the hostile environment Tools for Building Tenant Power: Tactics Vol #1 Book traversal links for Community organising Key employment rights Up Building Mutual Support and Organising in Our Communities Printer-friendly version community PDF Comments
Revolution and other writings - Gustav Landauer The comprehensive collection of Landauer's writing in English and a celebration of one of the most important agitators in the revolutionary…
Green bans people 1971-75 Historical information about many of the key individuals and groups involved in the "green bans" by Australian construction workers in the early…
Building Mutual Support and Organising in Our Communities A pamphlet collecting stories and organising tips from the London Coalition Against Poverty,…
Communalism: from its origins to the 20th century - Kenneth Rexroth Kenneth Rexroth's history of radical and religious communes. Available in text and as a PDF.
A 100-year-old idea that could transform the labor movement An article by Daniel Gross suggesting that the old Local 8 of the IWW has lessons to teach the labor…
Marx and Engels and Racialism – W. O. Henderson In disputes with anarchists Marxists have often been quick to refer to Bakunin’s (and occasionally, Proudhon’s) anti-Semitism to try to dismiss…