Submitted by ludd on December 29, 2010

Talking Heads Roll

An American for Hire
editorial by michelle l.p.

Safe with the Gaping Maw
tale of termination by bill dollar

The Making of a Bad Attitude: An Abridged History of my Wage Slavery
tale of termination by lucius cabins

Termination X2
tale of termination by florence burns

Charley Browns -- Where Everything is Prime?
tale of termination by lucille brown

Lose Jobs Now: Ask Me How!
tale of termination by zoe noe

Naked Agenda
tale of termination by d.s. black

End Game
a game that lasts a lifetime!

Where's the Dirt? Chemicals Run Amok in the "Clean Room"
expose by dennis hayes

The Factory and Beyond
review by klipschutz

by linda thomas, bart plantenga, s. badrich, adam cornford, nathan whiting, barbara schaffer, reuben m. jackson, g. sutton breiding, tom clark & klipschutz

Flexing Muscles at Flax: Anatomy of Service Sector Organizing
interview by maxine holz

Pursuit of Happiness
review by lucius cabins & dennis hayes

from our readers

a planetary album for new encounters
