Bibliography for Change the World Without Taking Power.

Submitted by Django on May 1, 2011

Change the World Without Taking Power

Note: Almost all contributions to the debate are available in the web page of Herramienta: <>.

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Bonefeld, Werner (1991) ‘The Reformulation of State Theory’, in Bonefeld, W. and Holloway, J. (eds), Post-Fordism and Social Form (London: Macmillan), pp. 35–68. Bonefeld, Werner (1992) ‘Social Constitution and the Form of the Capitalist State’, in
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De Angelis, Massimo (1996) ‘Social Relations, Commodity-Fetishism And Marx’s Critique Of Political Economy’, Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 28, No. 4 pp. 1–29. De Angelis, Massimo (2005) HOW?! An Essay on John Holloway’s Change the World Without Taking Power’, Historical Materialism (London).
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Dussel, Enrique (2004) ‘Dialogo con John Holloway. Sobre la interpelación ética, el poder, las instituciones y la estrategia política’, Bajo el Volcán (Puebla), No. 8; also Herramienta (Buenos Aires), No. 26.
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (1994) La Palabra de los Armados de Verdad y Fuego (Mexico City: Fuenteovejuna).
Engels, Friedrich (1968) Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (Moscow: Progress). Fernández Buey, Francisco (2003) ‘¿Cambiar el Mundo sin Tomar el Poder?’ El Viejo Topo (Barcelona), pp. 35–40.
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Gegenantimacht (2004) ‘Wir sind Autonome, aber wir sin mehr als das … Wie ein Prof aus Mexiko uns aus dem Herzen spricht’, Herramienta web page.
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Glyn, Andrew and Sutcliffe, Bob (1972) British Capitalism, Workers and the Profits Squeeze (Harmondsworth: Penguin).
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1969) Faust, I. Teil (Stuttgart: Reclam).
Gonzalez, Mike (2003) ‘Crying out for Revolution’, International Socialism, No. 99, pp. 133–8.
Gramsci, Antonio (1971) Selections from the Prison Notebooks (ed. and trans. Quintin
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Gunn, Richard (1992) ‘Against Historical Materialism: Marxism as a First-order Discourse’, in Bonefeld et al. (eds), Open Marxism, Volume II: Theory and Practice (London: Pluto Press), pp. 1–45.
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Harman, Chris (1993) ‘Where is Capitalism Going?’, International Socialism, No. 58, pp. 3–57.
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Hegel, Georg W.F. (1977) Phenomenology of Spirit (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Hirsch, Joachim (1978) ‘The State Apparatus and Social Reproduction: Elements of a Theory of the Bourgeois State’, in Holloway, J. and Picciotto, S. (eds), The State and Capital: A Marxist Debate (London: Edward Arnold), pp. 57–107.
Hirsch, Joachim (2003) ‘Macht und Anti-Macht’, Das Argument (Berlin), No. 249, pp. 34–40.
Hobbes, Thomas (1991) The Leviathan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Holloway, John (1991a) ‘Capital is Class Struggle (And Bears are not Cuddly)’, in Bonefeld, W. and Holloway, J. (eds) Post-Fordism and Social Form (London: Macmillan). Holloway, John (1991b) ‘The State and Everyday Struggle’, in Clarke, S. (ed.), The State Debate (London: Macmillan), pp. 225–59.
Holloway, John (1991c) ‘The Great Bear: Post-Fordism and Class Struggle. A Comment on Bonefeld and Jessop’, in Bonefeld, W. and Holloway, J. (eds), Post-Fordism and Social Form (London: Macmillan), pp. 92–102.
Holloway, John (1995a) ‘From Scream of Refusal to Scream of Power: The Centrality of Work’, in Bonefeld W. et al. (eds), Open Marxism, Volume III: Emancipating Marx (London: Pluto Press), pp. 155–81.
Holloway, John (1995b) ‘Global Capital and the National State’, in Bonefeld, W. and Holloway, J. (1995), Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money (London: Macmillan), pp. 116–40.
Holloway, John (1996) ‘La resonancia del zapatismo’, Chiapas, No. 3, pp. 43–54. Holloway, John (1998) ‘Dignity’s Revolt’ in Holloway, J. and Peláez, E. (eds), Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico (London: Pluto Press), pp. 159–98.
Holloway, John (2000) ‘Zapata in Wall Street’, in Bonefeld, W. and Psychopedis, K. (eds), The Politics of Change (London: Palgrave), pp. 173–95.
Holloway, John (2003a) ‘Die Drückerei der Hölle. Eine Anmerkung in Antwort auf Joachim Hirsch’, Das Argument (Berlin), No. 250, pp. 219–27; also ‘The Printing House of Hell’, Herramienta web page.
Holloway, John (2003b) ‘Conduis ton char et ta charrue par-dessus les ossements des morts’, Contre Temps (Paris), pp. 160–9.
Holloway, John (2003c) ‘Intercambio entre Michael Löwy y John Holloway’, Bajo el Volcán (Puebla) No. 6, pp. 13–26; also Herramienta (Buenos Aires), No. 23, pp.191–200. Holloway, John (2003d) ‘El Arbol de la Vida: Una Respuesta a Sergio Rodríguez’, Rebeldía (Mexico City), No. 13, pp. 13–16; also Herramienta (Buenos Aires), No. 24, pp. 167–71. Holloway, John (2003e) ‘La Renovada Actualidad de la Revolución. Respuesta a Aldo Romero’, Herramienta (Buenos Aires), No. 22, pp. 173–6.
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Holloway, John and Peláez, Eloína (eds) (1998) Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico (London: Pluto Press).
Holloway, John and Picciotto, Sol (1977) ‘Capital, Crisis and the State’, Capital & Class, No. 2, pp. 76–101.
Holloway, John and Picciotto, Sol (eds) (1978a) The State and Capital: A Marxist Debate (London: Edward Arnold).
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