Please note that this is a further reading guide. For your first point of call on a subject, visit the tag of the subject on This is linked to at the top of each guide, and contains all contents that we have on the subject on, as well as often key introductory texts.
- Many of the texts listed in the guide are already hosted on libcom, so if there is not an active hyperlink just search the site for the text first. If there is a hyperlink missing, please feel free to edit the guide to insert the missing link, or mention it in the comments.
- particularly recommended texts are denoted with an asterisk*
- if you would like to recommend another texts to be included in any of the guides, please post a comment with the details.
- if you would like to compile a guide for a topic which we do not have covered yet, please feel free. Just click "add a child page" on the front page of the reading guide and fill it in.