Politics (December 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 321)
'Twas a famous victory (pp. 321-323)
Comment (pp. 323-327)
Comment. Warsaw (3) (pp. 327-328)
Queener, Llewellyn. War as an institution (III). Inter-enemy ethics (pp. 329-334)
Goodman, Paul. Popular Culture. Notes on Neo-Functionalism (pp. 335-337)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). European newsreel (pp. 337-340)
Contributors (p. 340)
Taylor, William Palmer. know what? Some reactions to current criticism of Russia (pages 340-342)
Macdonald, Dwight. Just this - a rejoinder (pp. 342-344)
Roberts, H.. Free and Equal. "Negroism" ounces blackberries (pp. 344-345)
Kerr, Wilfred H.. Free and Equal. "Negroism" ounces blackberries (pp. 345-346)
Periodicals. "Industrialization and agriculture in India" (p. 346)
Periodicals. "Retail sales and consumer income" (pp. 346-347)
Periodicals. "Wartime construction and planet expansion" (p. 347)
Periodicals. "Group violence: a preliminary study of the attitudinal pattern of Its acceptance and rejection - a study of the 1943 Harlem riot" (p. 347)
Periodicals. "Politics and Ethics" (pp. 347-348)
Periodicals. "The Man from Missouri" (p. 348)
Orlansky, Harold. Books. The journey home (pp. 348-350)
The intelligence office (pp. 350-351)
Farrell, James T.. The intelligence office. James T. Farrell and the SWP (pp. 351-352)

