The One Big Union Monthly (October 1937)

The October 1937 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the General Defense Committee, Spanish Civil War and AFl vs CIO turf wars. Contributors include W.E. Trautmann, James Oppenheim, Covington Hall, John Sershon, Robert Louzon and Walter Pfeffer.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on September 7, 2014

-The source of strength
-Power of folded arms by W.E. Trautmann
-The slave by James Oppenheim
-Factful fables by Covington Hall
-A challenge to organized labor by John Sershon
-If only: a story by Gefion
-Our educational system by A.B. Cobb
-The General Defense Committee: 20 years of activity
-Counter-revolution in Spain by R. Louzon (Introduction and translation by Joseph Wagner)
-West coast chaos: the CIO-AFL inter-union war by Card No. x13068
-A little economics for the home by Walter Pfeffer
-The IWW in theory and practice: a book review
-The march of progress by A Tannery Worker

Taken from CDs of JPG scans created by San Francisco General Membership Branch of the IWW
CDs provided courtesy of Nate Hawthorne/Twin Cities IWW Archives

