Submitted by pogo on April 28, 2015

F. W. Krummacher’s Sermon on Joshua by Frederick Engels

Works of Frederick Engels, 1839

F. W. Krummacher’s Sermon on Joshua [28]

Written: in May 1839

First published: in the Telegraph für Deutschland No. 84, May 1839

In a recent sermon in Elberfeld on Joshua 10:12-13, where Joshua bids the sun stand still, Krummacher advanced the interesting thesis that pious Christians, the Elect, should not suppose from this passage that Joshua was here accommodating himself to the views of the people, but must believe that the earth stands still and the sun moves round it. In defence of this view he showed that it is expressed throughout the Bible. The fool’s cap which the world will give them for that, they, the Elect, should cheerfully put in their pockets with the many others they have already received. — We should be happy to receive a refutation of this sad anecdote, which comes to us from a reliable source.

