The July-August 2008 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 4, 2016

Contents include:

-IU 410 shop scores 3-year contract, raises, healthcare

-Thousands sign petition to decriminalize prostitution in San Francisco

-Zimbabwe still persecutes teachers, unionists after election fraud

-Restaurant joins Wild Edibles boycott

-Flaum Appetizing violates Jewish law, say locked out IWW members

-IWW Assembly to land in London, UK

-Obama won’t save the US working class

-Polish Workers’ Initiative wins, fights on

-The IWW in Japan: Fighting together from Tokyo to the streets of Sapporo

-Utah Phillips: can I tell you another story?

-Starbucks union-busting exposed in 20 countries

-Mexican teachers struggle for union democracy

-Mexico City market cleaners defeat union-busting contractor

-German-area IWWs picket Boesner for union-busting
