The December 1921 (Vol. 1, No. 11, Serial No. 11) issue of Industrial Pioneer, a journal produced by the Industrial Workers of the World during the 1920s.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 19, 2016

Contents include:


-Moving the dirt movers by Waterboy

-Splitting the big drive by Wm. Dimmit

-Book review: The New Policies of Soviet Russia by Lenin, Bukharin, Rutgers

-Grabbing them young

-The cut glass industry by Richard James

-Three big drives in one


-The janitors by John H. Fleming

-A personal squint at steel by Robert Maddux

-The Spanish-Moroccan war and the revolution by Theodor Plievier

-Tactics in oil by Nick Wells

-Work by Charles Gray

-Lecture III
