The Vol. 3, No. 3 (July 1936) issue of The Marine Worker, a newspaper produced by the Marine Transport Workers Industrial Union No. 510 of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) from 1921 until 1936.

Contents include:
-French seamen take over ships in strike, reave red flag, win all demands
-IWW lumber strike sweeps the west
-Official statement of the MTWIU no. 510 of the IWW concerning the proposed Copeland Fink book for seamen
-Frisco warehousemen strike
-New York ISU insurgent membership strike failed and why
-West coast ships crew, see IWW on east and gulf coast
-MTW membership conference
-Help Mike Lindway
-Federation fails
This issue scanned for by New York/New Jersey Workers Solidarity Alliance archives