The Vol. 1, No. 2 (October 1945) issue of New Trends, an anarchist publication produced out of New York City from September 1945 until August 1946.
New Trends Vol. 1, No. 2 (October 1945)

Contents include:
-Has Great Britain gone bankrupt? by George Michel
-This month: Behind the strike wave; Atomic bomb at home; ...and abroad; Foreign news
-World Federation of Trade Unions by Oliver Parish
-Warning from Texas by John Nicholas Beffel
-Labor's stake in tax reduction by Henry Simon
-A doctor's view of socialized medicine by Irving Byrd, M.D.
-Silone and the hollow men by J.S. White (a.k.a. Jack Schlesinger)
-Vargas hits a snag
-For white patients only
-Communism and Catholicism
-Diplomatic rupture by John Peters
-French labor and politics by Pierre Besnard
-Letter from Holland by Anthon Bakels
This issue scanned for by New York/New Jersey Workers Solidarity Alliance archives.
New Trends Vol. 1, No. 2 (October 1945).pdf
(15.02 MB)