The Vol. 2, No. 2 (July 1979) issue of On The Line, the monthly newsletter of the New York based Libertarian Workers Group.

Submitted by syndicalist on August 7, 2016

- Rank & File Resistance

- White Power: The resurgence of the Klan

- International News

- Who we are, what we want, what we believe


The Vol. 2, No. 3 (August 1979) issue of On The Line, the monthly newsletter of the New York based Libertarian Workers Group.

Submitted by syndicalist on August 7, 2016

- Postal Workers

- Phantom Wages

- Loft Tenants

- TWU Blasts

- A Student's Adventure

- Textile Workers

-Prison rebellion

- Who we are, what we want, what we believe


The Vol. 2, No. 4 (November-December 1979) issue of On The Line, the monthly newsletter of the New York based Libertarian Workers Group.

Submitted by syndicalist on August 7, 2016

Special Issue on Education

- from Whom the School Bells Toll

- Graduate Students Organize

- Who we are, what we want, what we believe
