Issue of Freedom Bulletin from 1929.

Submitted by Rory Reid on January 29, 2017


The Governments Promising Start

History of the First International –MN

Edward Carpenter – Bessie Ward (1844-1929)

Death of Wlm C Owen – TH Keell

William Charles Owen – Victor B. Neuburg

Cuttings and Comments-BBW

Berkmans ABC of Communist Anarchism

Appeal to our Readers

The Road to Freedom

Thomas Henry Keell (24 September 1866 – 26 June 1938) was Editor of this issue No.8 of Freedom Bulletin.

[/i] Found in Spirit of Revolt(Glasgow, Scotland) online archive. [/i]


Freedom 1929.pdf (13.48 MB)



8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2017

This is great, thanks! Can I just check that the Freedom Bulletin was the temporary name of Freedom newspaper? If so I will move this into the freedom newspaper archive

Also, our history section is for articles about historical events. Old publications like this, please just post in our library.

Thank you very much for all your continued contributions!

Rob Ray

8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Rob Ray on January 29, 2017

Yep, the bulletins were produced by Tom Keell at Whiteway after he retired there in 1928-32. Final page has the production bumf that it's Freedom Press, printed by Stepney Press.

Stepney press seems to have done a lot of radical printing (they're defined as "trade union printers" here) but otherwise I don't know many details, they used to operate at Kings Cross and liquidated in March 1974.

For general info on who was doing what when btw the Centenary book has a list on page 30.

Rory Reid

8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Rory Reid on January 29, 2017

Sorry about putting it in the wrong category.

Thank you. I'm trying to find things which I've never seen anywhere else to put on here and I'm finding things all the time.



8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on January 29, 2017


Sorry about putting it in the wrong category.

Thank you. I'm trying to find things which I've never seen anywhere else to put on here and I'm finding things all the time.


no problem no need to apologise, we are very grateful just thought I would let you know so you know for future submissions. Keep it up!