Direct Action #40 (May-June 1987)

Issue #40 of Direct Action, with an article about the Ardbride/Laura Ashley strikers breaking with the T&GWU union, YTS schemes and vocational education, nuclear power, a conference about VDU work, Direct Action Groups fighting the dictatorship in Chile, struggles against the "socialist" government in Spain, a Chilean exile banned from Northern Ireland, a special anti-electoral supplement, the need for a rank-and-file movement and all-out strike action in the civil service, the Keetons strike in Sheffield, SAS killings in Northern Ireland, the police protecting the BNP, compulsory sterilisation, the Midlands Trader dispute, an interview with the Australian BLF, and more.

Submitted by R Totale on May 14, 2020


DA 40.pdf (26.6 MB)
