An early short text by Fred Vermorel whilst he was in the orbit of King Mob.

Submitted by Fozzie on December 4, 2024

Certainly not the students who have neither the intelligence nor the stamina to cope with real life situations.

Nor the Communist Party which in England is as about as powerful as the Boy Scouts movement.

Nor the Tariq Ali league or any of the other proprietors of revolutionary promises. They are more interested in being revolutionaries than in making the revolution.

The workers can count only on themselves.

Trotskyists, Maoists and other ideologists have failed entirely to come to grips with the contemporary reality of working class existence. This is hardly surprising as the distance they maintained from the working classes is greater than that of the middle class. Industrial work is still the fundamental experience of the working classes and as such is still the basis of revolutionary organisation. But the nature of work has changed radically over the past 30 years, and at the same time the areas of exploitation outside the factory have come to dominate life, just as much as those inside the factory.

It is left to the working classes to develop new forms of combat, such as football hooliganism, appropriate to modern conditions, while the ideologists lead the lives of Victorian liberal professors, and bicker over the words of dead men. Just as in the security of a family fantasy the members of the family will attack each other with vituperative and impotent ecstasy, the ideologists play games which are real only in the context of one single ideology: the impossibility of revolution.

Less magazines, comrades, more fires!

The Friends of Durutti.
