Submitted by lazlo on July 29, 2005

This article by Otto Rühle appeared in the American Council Communist journal Living Marxism (Vol. 4 No. 8 1939). In 1981 it was reprinted as a pamphlet in the UK by Bratach Dubh editions.

It seems to be based on a much longer text also written in 1939 called Brauner und Roter Faschismus. This was apparantly unpublished during Rühle's lifetime and was first published in Germany in Schriften: Perspektiven einer Revolution in hochindustrialisierten Laendern (Mergner, Gottfried – Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, 1971). A translation was published in French as Fascisme Brun, Fascisme Rouge by Spartacus in 1975 (Série B – No 63) and this is now also online.
