Submitted by libcom on March 27, 2005

Appendix IV

Sources of Information and Quotations

Books & Pamphlets

L. B. BAIN, The Reluctant Satellites, Macmillan, New York, 1960.

NOEL BARBER, A Handful of Ashes, Wingate, 1957.

HUGO DEWAR & DANIEL NORMAN, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Eastern Europe, Socialist Union of Central Eastern Europe, 1957.

PETER FRYER, Hungarian Tragedy, Dobson Books Ltd., 1956.

YGAEL GLUCKSTEIN, Stalin's Satellites in Europe, Allen & Unwin, 1952.

ADMIRAL NICHOLAS HORTHY, Memoirs, Hutchinson, 1956.

The Hungarian Workers' Revolution, Syndicalist Workers Federation, 1956.

ALEXANDRA KOLLONTAI, The Workers' Opposition, Solidarity Pamphlet No. 7.

GEORGE MIKES, The Hungarian Revolution, Andre Deutsch, 1957.

ANAND MISHRA, East European Crisis of Stalinism, Calcutta, 1957.

HUBERT RIPKA, Eastern Europe in the Post-war World, Methuen, 1961.

The Road of Our People's Democracy, Hungarian News and Information Services, June 1952.

HUGH SETON-WATSON, Eastern Europe, 1918-1941, Cambridge, 1945.

HUGH SETON-WATSON, The East European Revolution, Methuen, 1950.

G. N. SHUSTER, In Silence I Speak, Gollancz, 1956.

Socialism or Barbarism, Solidarity Pamphlet No. 11.

Newspapers & Periodicals

Continental News Services

Daily Worker

The Economist

The Guardian

Irodalmi Ujsag (Literary Gazette)

The Nation

Nemzetör (Monthly of the Hungarian Freedom Fighters)

Nepakarat ('Official' Hungarian T.U. newspaper)

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

New York Times

The Observer

Polish Facts and Figures


Scanteia (Rumanian CP daily)

Socialisme ou Barbarie


Szabad Nep (Hungarian CP daily)

The Times


World News and Views

Matyas Bajor and five other young Freedom Fighters were interviewed in London by the author, in January, 1957.
