E01: Introduction to the 12 Rules for What podcast

Introductory episode of the 12 Rules for What podcast on fascism, antifascism and the far right.

Submitted by 12rulesforwhat on June 19, 2019

The Far Right is building. But it doesn't always come as a street movement marching in black. Often it’s smarter than that, often more insidious, often more inclined to infect culture than impose itself on the political, and often just plain weird. In this podcast we investigate the surreal, disconnected world of the far right, with a view to fighting it. Fighting it requires not only effective organising, but effective thinking as well. We host interviews with comrades, discussions of the main themes of far right theory and practice, and in-depth analyses of particular movements and people within it.

If you want to go a bit deeper, we recommend some reading for you:

Josephine Armistead - The Silicon Ideology
Armistead gives a summary of some attempts to analyse Fascism in the 20th Century

Umberto Eco - Eternal Fascism
Eco attempts to summarise some tendencies in common between reactionary and fascist movements

Robert Paxton - The Anatomy of Fascism
An authoritative and comprehensive account of fascist regimes and movements
