Copied to clipboard Aufheben Issue #1. Contents listed below: Attachments Aufheben01.pdf (6.33 MB) Aufheben #1 Editorial LA '92: The context of a proletarian uprising EMUs in the class war Lessons From The Struggle Against The Gulf War Intakes: Some Critical Notes on Earth First! Review: Fascism / Anti-Fascism by Jean Barrot Book traversal links for Aufheben #01 (Autumn 1992) About Aufheben Up Aufheben #1 Editorial Printer-friendly version PDF Comments [issue resolved] [issue resolved]
The Shadow #48 (January 2003) Including: military-industrial complex, Rachel Corrie murdered by IDF, anti-war protests in NYC, Enron and the energy crisis, US company sold…
The theory of the collapse of capitalism - Anton Pannekoek Pannekoek applies his critique to the theories of Luxemburg and Grossman - and shows why capitalism…
The 4th Precinct: a black anarchist’s perspective on struggle in Minneapolis’ Northside streets - Ikemba Kuti An overview by Ikemba Kuti of the movement that arose in Minneapolis after police…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 21 - 17 August 1918) Including: awful conditions in Belfast prison, Sylvia Pankhurst on the Brest Litovsk Treaty, women…
Philosophy of right - GWF Hegel Hegel's key book outlining his social and philosophical ideas, written in 1820 and translated into English by S.W Dyde.
The One Big Union Monthly (January 1938) The January 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the Australian Labour Party and the UGT in Spain. Contributors include Bert…
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