The January 2007 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 15, 2016

Contents include:

- Restaurant workers' justice ride

- Global actions target Starbucks union-busters

- 'Socialist' bosses attack Scottish Wobblies

- Readers' soapbox

- A letter from the incoming editors

- Upstate New York Wobs on picket line, promoting IWW culture at year's end by Sourdough Slim

- NY foodstuffs workers win contract at EZ Supply

- IWW truckers picket West Coast intermodal hub

- Wobs serenade Starbucks union-busters in Pitsburgh by Kevin Farkas

- Starving amidst plenty

- Adjuncts now 2/3 of college faculty

- Protests in 90 cities target Israeli human rights abuses by Sophie Yon-Gharbi

- Workers in Minnesota, reviews by Jon Bekken

- France: CNT fights post office union-busting

- Poland: 3 workers fired for testifying against boss
