Camilo Cienfuegos-Anarchist?

Submitted by potrokin on July 29, 2016

Have been reading abit about Camilo Cienfuegos lately online and watched a documentary about him which basically said that it is likely that his murder was arranged by Fidel Castro, Raul Castro or Guevarra or all three. He was opposed to authoritarianism and 'Communism' and the murder of politcal opponents . Apparently his parents were Anarchists who fled Spain and he himself is described as an Anarchist on the Wikipedia page about Cuban Anarchism. I can't seem to find any hard evidence though. Is there any actual proof that he was an Anarchist?


8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 30, 2016

This e-book may have more info. Although it looks like the view of the book is that he did not call himself an anarchist as such but believed in the "libertarian tenets" of anarchism:


8 years 1 month ago

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Submitted by potrokin on July 30, 2016


This e-book may have more info. Although it looks like the view of the book is that he did not call himself an anarchist as such but believed in the "libertarian tenets" of anarchism:

Thankyou, when I can I may well try and get myself a copy of the book.