Any good?

Submitted by ajjohnstone on July 21, 2017

Any reviews of this book available?


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by jondwhite on July 21, 2017

Haven't read it but if it mentions "carnival anarchism" (as mentioned in the
blurb) and not the SPGB, that would be a major omission which oughtn't be given the benefit of doubt.

Comrade Motopu

7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Comrade Motopu on July 23, 2017

Review on libcom:


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Anarcho on July 23, 2017

Here is my review -- appeared in ASR and in an edited form in "Anarchist Studies":

Libertarian Socialism: Beyond Anarchism and Marxism?

Except for the first chapter -- by a member of the SWP -- it is good. Dave Berry's article on Daniel Guerin is the best one. So worth reading -- no mention of the SPGB, though...


7 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by ajjohnstone on July 24, 2017

Iain, as you know, those like myself, who are happy with the designation anarcho-marxist are few and far between.

I always like to cite Dietzgen even if it is repetitive of me so forgive me

"The terms anarchist, socialist, communist should be so "mixed" together, that no muddlehead could tell which is which. Language serves not onlythe purpose of distinguishing things but also of uniting them- for it is dialectic." June 9, 1886
"For my part, I lay little stress on the distinction, whether a man is an anarchist or a socialist, because it seems to me that too much weight is attributed to this difference."....
"While the anarchists may have mad and brainless individuals in their ranks, the socialists have an abundance of cowards. For this reason I care as much for one as the other."... "The majority in both camps are still in great need of education, and this will bring about a reconciliation in time."- April 20, 1886

I think Dietzgen describes well my political attitude.

" If a worker wants to take part in the self-emancipation of his class, the basic requirement is that he should cease allowing others to teach him and should set about teaching himself." - Joseph Dietzgen