Some images/agit-prop scanned in from old copies (1980s) of Australian anarcho-syndicalist paper Rebel Worker. Author Rebel Worker (Australia) Copied to clipboard Australia Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation Comments
Curlewis, Richard, 1917-2002 A biography of Australian advocate of workers' control, Richard Curlewis.
Franteschini, Boris, 1914-1986 A short biography of Italian anarchist active in Australia, Boris Franteschini.
Carmagnola, Francesco, 1900-1986 A short biography of Italian-Australian anarchist and anti-fascist, Francesco "Frank" Carmagnola.
Unity: Voice of concerned postal workers Scanned versions of Unity: voice of concerned postal workers, and anarcho-syndicalist workplace newsletter for postal workers in Australia in the…
Sparks bulletin A partial archive of the Sparks bulletin of the Public Transport Workers Association, published by the Melbourne group of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation between 1986 and 1991. At its…
Sparks #21 Issue of anarcho-syndicalist public transport workers' bulletin Sparks from January 1990. Importantly this was a special issue produced during the Melbourne tram lockout, where anarcho…