Issue of Anarchy from April 1961 with articles about workers' control, the building industry, syndicalism and more. Copied to clipboard Attachments anarchy-002-OCR.compressed.pdf (4.15 MB) Anarchy-2_compressed.pdf (23.03 MB) Workers' control: looking for a movement Approaches to industrial democracy - Geoffrey Ostergaard The gang system in Coventry - Reg Wright Workers' control in the building industry - James Lynch Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA - Philip Holgate Book traversal links for Anarchy #002 The 'new wave' in Britain - Nicolas Walter Up Workers' control: looking for a movement Printer-friendly version self-management PDF Comments
Anarchy #047: Towards Freedom in Work Issue of Anarchy magazine published in January 1965. This issue is devoted to the publication of the essay Freedom in Work by James Gillespie.
Workers' self-management in Algeria - Ian Clegg Ian Clegg's history of workers' self-management in Algeria following the Algerian Revolution.
Notes on nationalism - George Orwell Orwell here distinguishes between patriotism and nationalism; "...the emotion I am speaking about does not always attach itself to what is called…
Everything must go!: The abolition of value - Bruno Astarian and Gilles Dauvé This book is about a revolution (i.e. a historical break, not gradual peaceful evolution) that…
Thoughts on 8 March (Women’s Day) - Ting Ling A discussion of Women's Day - written in 1942 in Yenan, China, where the Red Army had settled in cave dwellings at the end of their Long March…
Einstein on capitalism Extract from an article written by legendary physicist and socialist Albert Einstein in 1949 explaining the capitalist system and its inherently…