Community Economic Workshops: An Evolutionary Preparation for Social Revolution to Economic Democracy within an Ecological Society

1979 revised edition of Community Economic Workshops “arose out of the League for Economic Democracy discussions on how citizens and workers can immediately participate in a rapid and conscious evolving of a non-authoritarian and ecologically- sound society. Since our last edition in 1973 the need has intensified for restructuring the ways human relate to one another and our planet. … This edition…has thus been revised keeping in mind the impossibility of unlimited industrial expansion and the need for an eco-society.”

Submitted by syndicalist on August 21, 2016

League for Economic Democracy (LED) was formed by former De Leonists who evolved politically towards libertarian socialism. During the 1970's and 1980's a number of former De Leonists became libertarian socialists sympathetic to their form of libertarian syndicalism.


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