Edinburgh Muckraker 2

The second issue of the Edinburgh Muckraker, a freesheet produced and distributed in support of local government workers struggling against pay cuts.

Submitted by Django on December 15, 2009

The Edinburgh Muckraker is produced by an independent group in solidarity with council workers, to inform the people of Edinburgh what is really going on behind the lies, misinformation and threats.

We encourage and assist effective action to win this dispute. We aim to help Council and other workers to come together across sectional and union divides.

We see this dispute as part of a bigger battle by all working class people to fight for our needs against this profit-based system, in which people are exploited and kept down.

Interested? Please get in touch.

By Email: [email protected]

By Post:
The Edinburgh Muckraker,
c/o ACE,
17 West Montgomery Place,

By Phone: 0131 557 6242


Dump on the Council!

Work in the cleansing department, or another part of the Council getting shafted by pay modernisation?
Tell us. Anonymity guaranteed.

