Hegel Hegel's key book outlining his social and philosophical ideas, written in 1820 and translated into English by S.W Dyde. Copied to clipboard Attachments Elements of the Philosophy of Right (Cam - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.epub (2 MB) Philosophy_of_Right.pdf (778.83 KB) G.W.F. Hegel philosophy epub PDF Comments
Marx's dialectic - Paul Mattick Jr. Paul Mattick Jr.'s conspectus of Marx's dialectic in relation to Hegel's dialectic and Logic. Mattick argues against such Marxists as Lenin that…
The holy family, or critique of critical criticism - Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Marx and Engels' 1844 critique of the Young Hegelians and their ideas which were very popular in…
The Chain Factory - Osugi Sakae A short story about society and its effects on people and how it can be resisted
Karl Marx: early writings A collection of Marx's writings from 1843-1844. Arguably most notable among the writings is his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, though…