Issue 1 of the US libertarian marxist journal. Published June 1970. Copied to clipboard Attachments Root and Branch 1 Final.pdf (11.96 MB) Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Unfriendly skies - The air traffic controllers' sick-out, 1969 Manifesto - Ecology Action East Old left, new left, what's left? - Paul Mattick, Jr. Review: The American Working Class in Transition by Kim Moody - reviewed by Joel Stein Point of view: Solidarity Book traversal links for Root & Branch # 1 Statement from Root & Branch, 1978 Up Notes on the postal strike - Stanley Aronowitz and Jeremy Brecher Printer-friendly version Root & Branch Comments
In the heart of the heart of the country: The strike at Lordstown - Peter Herman A detailed historical account and analysis of the dispute at the General Motors Lordstown plant in…
Keep on truckin' - Mac Brockway (Tim Costello) Mac Brockway (pseudonym for Tim Costello) analyses the machinations of unions in maintaining order in the workplace, with particular focus on a small dispute in the truck driving industry in New York.
Theory and practice: an introduction to Marxian theory - Root and Branch 1979 article by Root and Branch, introducing Marxist theory.
Poland, 1970-71: workers vs. state - Root & Branch Leaflet produced in 1971 by US libertarian socialist group Root & Branch.
Notes on the War in Vietnam and American Capitalism - Jorge M.E. Jorge M.E. defends the revolutionary subject as the working class in "developed" countries and the…
Old Left, New Left, What's Left? - Paul Mattick, Jr. Paul Mattick Jr. takes a look at the 'New Left' and student movement at the end of the 1960s. NB this is a longer version of the text that appeared in Root & Branch #1.