An excellent and inspiring pamphlet about London's Despatch Industry Workers Union (DIWU). A radical, self-organised and direct action-oriented grouping, it lasted three years, and here the author recounts its history and analyses its successes, failures and lessons for other workers.

Written by Des Patchrider, this pamphlet was printed and is available for sale from the Kate Sharpley Library. Our thanks go to the KSL and the author for permission to host this text online. Readers are encouraged to donate to the KSL to assist them continue their work in recording and archiving the history of the anarchist and working class movements. Email info at for more information.
Alternatively, £25 (or $40) will get you a years Friends of KSL sub, which will get you the normal bulletin subscription plus every book and pamphlet they publish during the year. Cash or cheques (payable to "Kate Sharpley Library", not KSL) can be sent to
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BM Hurricane
OCRed for libcom by Linda Towlson
Am I correct in thinking
Am I correct in thinking this was a DAM initiative?
Does anyone from Sol-Fed know
Does anyone from Sol-Fed know who wrote this booklet? I imagine the long term inmates of south London 'Sol-Fed' would have some idea?
Yeah, drop them a line and
Yeah, drop them a line and they can ask one of the longer-term members, and maybe put you in touch if possible.
I know him
I know him
A translation of this
A translation of this pamphlet was issued by the Propaganda Committee of the Swedish Anarcho-Syndicalist Youth Federation in 2002. You can find it at:
Quote: Note: All events in
I was a mate of Pete Fordham's, one time ACF (now the AF) member, who sadly died in a road accident on his bike. When we were designing the ACF logo, the hands and flames image was Pete's idea.