Second issue of Wildcat from 1974. PDF courtesy of Splits & Fusions archive. Copied to clipboard Contents include: Letters News (cops pretend to be from the BBC during squat raid, Wandsworth prison protest, Wildcat benefit event) Overview of the career of drug squad cop Detective Chief Inspector Kelaher Free Pat Arrowsmith Supplement: Refuse to Vote - Organise! Contacts Windsor Free Festival Book reviews (including Bookchin, Cardan, Kropotkin, town planning, schooling, prisons) A member of Solidarity writes about a leaflet they distributed at a National Front march Publications round up Attachments Wildcat no2 1974.pdf (11.67 MB) Book traversal links for Wildcat #2 October 1974 Witness for the Prosecution - Colin Ward Up Printer-friendly version 1970s United Kingdom PDF Wildcat (London 1970s) Comments
Mr. Benn's wage slavery A Freedom artice dated 7th December 1974 criticising Tony Benn's support for workers' co-operatives. Taken from The State Is Your Enemy:…
SPGB Conference and delegate meeting reports The Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB) conference and Autumn delegate meeting (ADM) reports archive.
Black Flag vol 01 #07 (Jan 1970) An issue of the Bulletin of the Anarchist Black Cross, kindly scanned in by the comrades at Centre international de recherches sur l'anarchisme …
Social Revolution #5 Issue 5 of Social Revolution circa 1976. Articles on: TUC and the state, the woman question and socialism, report on schools (occupations etc),…
1977: The Battle of Lewisham An account of the street battles which took place in London when local residents decided to stop a fascist National Front march in their…
Like a summer with a thousand Julys …and other seasons… Expansive overview and analysis of the early 1980s strikes and riots in the UK.