John Holloway’s Hope in Hopeless Times – Jeff Shantz An extended review of John Holloway's book Hope in Hopeless Times. From Anarcho-Syndicalist Review,…
London Notes: autonomist magazine #1 1992 Pilot (and only) issue of London Notes, an autonomist magazine from 1992. PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest archive, Nottingham.
Reflections on Fil-Am History Month From an Autonomist Filipinx Andrea Alakran shares their perspective on Fil-Am history month as a Filipinx in the diaspora.
What's the System? Review of an Angry Workers Pamphlet The Angry Workers of the World (AWW), a group based in West London which publishes the irregular…
On Nanni Balestrini, the Most Radically Formalist Poet of the Italian Scene Franco 'Bifo' Berardi on the poetry of Nanni Balestrini
Extracts from Blackout - with full text PDF Selections from Blackout, Balestrini's epic poem covering the movements of 1970s Italy.
Nanni Balestrini and the Poetry of the Italian Autonomia Jamie MacKay considers Balestrini's autonomist poetry.
Extracts from We Want Everything Selections from We Want Everything, Balestrini's novel of struggles at Fiat and Italy's "hot autumn".
Nanni Balestrini (1935-2019): "If you read this, you must no longer fear anything" A selection of texts in memory of Nanni Balestrini, the Italian autonomist writer who passed away in…
Harry Cleaver debates Hillel Ticktin: on capitalism's present crisis... danger and opportunity A debate organised by Radical Chains and London Notes in London in the 1990s.