Submitted by Steven. on January 18, 2007

AFA organised a public meeting in the heart of the East End, what the fascists like to think of as their manor, to ‘throw down the gauntlet’ to them. My job was to scout the area by motorbike looking for any sign of them. About 50 anti-fascists were massed inside the Davenent Centre (plus members of the public attending the meeting) waiting for them. As I was riding round I did see a group of about 5 lads nearby but didn’t think they were fascists so I didn’t bother telling my comrades back in the Centre. However, soon afterwards a small homemade bomb (made from a collection of fireworks probably) was thrown over the back wall of the Davenent Centre. Fortunately nobody was injured or panicked. AFA stewards gave chase to some lads but didn’t catch them. In hindsight I realise that the lads I saw may have been the ones who threw in the bomb, and I should have reported them to my comrades who could have checked them out properly.
