Submitted by libcom on April 13, 2005



[1] Not that Bell has ever publicised his short spell in the editor's chair. A clue suggesting there was another editor during this period is provided by regular Searchlight sycophant Denis Campbell, describing Gable as publisher and the editor as a 'television journalist who does not want to be named (Guardian 29/9/86. My information comes from an unimpeachable source close to the highest levels of the 'team'. Bell is also a producer on the notorious 'World in Action' Granada TV documentary strand, he was also credited as co-author of Ray Hill's semi-fictional autobiography 'The Other Face of Terror' (Grafton Books 1988)

[2] May 1975 issue p 5

[3] 7/4/75, 29/4/75, 30/4/75

[4] 7/4/75 and 29/4/75: exact same phrase used in each article.

[5] See May 1976 issue p 4, also Sunday Telegraph 18/4/76 and Guardian 19/4/76.

[6] Page 2 and 3 respectively. This was (and is) an established pattern: stories are sold to the media and then recycled / embroidered in the next month's magazine.

[7] May 1976 issue, pages 3 and 4 respectively.

[8] Same issue p. 4

[9] Observer 21/3/76

[10] June 1976 issue, p 11. Roberts' own story is contained in the May / June / July 1976 issues of Searchlight. See also issue 26 (August 1977) and issue 1 of Unity Against Fascism (1977)

[11] Issue 35, May 1978, p 3.

[12] 29/10/80 p 25.

[13] BBC Radio 4 'Soundtrack' programme 16/3/95: It would perhaps be too unkind to speculate about the content of their conversation.

[14] See for example Peter Wright 'Spycatcher' Heinemann, Australia 1987) Lobster 11, April 1986, Paul Foot 'Who Framed Colin Wallace' (Pan London 1989) and Steven Dorril / Robin Ramsay 'Smear! Wilson and The Secret State (Fourth Estate, 1991)

[15] See my piece in Lobster 23, June 1992, pp 16-18

[16] At War With The Truth, p 27.

[17] April 1995, p2 Searchlight's customary inaccuracy / invention is shown by the statement here that C88 operated 'in the late 1960s and early 1970s - if they can be out by four or five years on the ending of this operation, why should we take seriously any factual claims they make about it?

[18] See for example Sunday Telegraph 18/4/76 Daily Telegraph 19/4/76 and Unity Against Fascism Issue 1 1977 p7.

[19] Volya, April 1986 p6.

[20] Issue 8 (April 1980) saw Forewarned still casting itself in the role of supplicant to the state, calling 'for a public commission of enquiry into the Nazi underground (p10): this of a newly-elected Conservative government headed by Margaret Thatcher, no less!

[21] Islington Gazette 17/1/64.

[22] Reproduced in full in Lobster 24, December 1992, along with commentary by editor Robin Ramsay.

[23] Lobster 24 p 4 see also 'Destabilising The Decent People' by Duncan Campbell et al in New Statesman 15/2/80.

[24] 22/10/93

[25] Jewish Chronicle 23/10/87 p 10.

[26] Guardian 22/5/87

[27] p 252 All quotations from 'Enemies of the State' (Simon & Schuster 1993)

[28] p 255.

[29] Prized does not mean indispensable, and the nuances of Gable's tiffs with the state need not concern us here. I will go into that if and when Searchlight ever dare to answer this present study. Murray, needless to say, accepts Gable's version of the mythical plot being real (p 252-55) an illusion he didn't want to dispel in his readers by informing them of the libel case outcome.

[30] The young Patrick Harrington, later a prominent 'political soldier' was involved in the latter initiative.

[31] p 27 October 1979.

[32] On Brady see my piece in Lobster 24, December 1992, p 15-17. The marriage took place in November 1984, with Andrew Bell as witness and best man.

[33] Issue 27, p 5 written by David McCalden.

[34] See Malcolm Sutton 'An Index of Deaths From The Conflict in Ireland' (Beyond The Pale / Belfast 1994 p 72) also Jack Holland & Henry McDonald 'INLA: Deadly Divisions' (Torc / Dublin 1994 p 56-57.)

[35] Issue 95 May 1983 p 3.

[36] Issue 202, April 1992 p 6

[37] Lobster 24 December 1992 p 15.

[38] Op cit p 44.

[39] 'At War With The Truth.' p 27.

[40] BBC Radio 4 'Soundtrack' programme 16/3/95

[41] Jewish Chronicle 17/3/95


[1] See Lobster 24, 1992 pp 17-18. as far back as February 1993 Searchlight promised a response: in the immortal words of Diana Ross, 'I'm still waiting.'

[2] 'The Other Face of Terror' (hereafter OFOT) 1988, p 218.

[3] Daily Mirror 21/7/81 p 1, 3.

[4] See OFOT pp 98-115

[5] OFOT p 98

[6] Daily Mirror 6/4/81

[7] OFOT pp 99 - 100

[8] OFOT p 115, see also Searchlight February 1982, p3. In the circumstances Hill & Company are lucky to have escaped prosecution for their part.

[9] Birmingham Mail, 28/7/62

[10] News of The World 25/3/84

[11] OFOT p 39

[12] Guardian 11/5/79 see also the tendentious explanation by Hill (or the highly inventive Andrew Bell) in OFOT p 65-67.

[13] June 1992, p11.

[14] p5. Maybe it contained a cricket bat?

[15] March 1988, p5.

[16] OFOT p 224

[17] Guardian 30/9/85

[18] International Times March 1986 p2

[19] Guardian 18/10/85

[20] May 1986, Report, p1

[21] March 1986 'Paranoia Peddled' p 2-3

[22] Cherry Groce was paralysed for life.

[23] Evening Standard 12/10/94

[24] Time Out 19/10/94 as no doubt too do the likes of Kossoff have their own state-sponsored motives for lying about anarchists.

[25] March 1988, p 7. On the eviction see Independent 10/3/88

[26] On the falsity of the allegations see Black Flag 180, 23/3/88 p 9 and Direct Action 48, April/May 1988, p4.

[27] My contributions are 'A Lie Too Far' (hereafter ALTF) April 1993 and 'At War With The Truth' (AWWT) October 1993, both published by Mina Productions.

[28] 'At War With Scoiety' Searchlight 1993 p 17. He did not 'dwell' on where he was unquestionably based for at least part of the time: Army Intelligence Training Centre at Ashford, Kent.

[29] not unrelated to my informing some of those approached as to his likely motives. The matter is referred to in Derek Wall's article for Red Pepper August 1996 (p18) Membership lists are amongst the most highly-prized information state assets seek to procure: known in the parlance as 'Operation Still Life'.

[30] April 1994 p 12. By this time, Hunt had been removed as editor due to his increasingly racist stance: perhaps it was this that upset Hill so much?

[31] See ALTF pp 16-17 / AWWT p9.

[32] See AWWT p 12

[33] 'Targetters Targetted' first version, (typed by Hepple or his controllers) p1.

[34] April 1993 p 14.

[35] One of whom was Gerry Gable, whose trial for public order offences collapsed before the prosecution even had time to present their case. (Jewish Chronicle 31/7/92) I reiterate my view (AWWT p 26) that the likely reason for charges being brought was to enable Gable to gather intelligence on co-defendants Red Action.

[36] My article 'Combat 18 & MI5' (Lobster 30 December 1995, pp28-29) deals with this to some extent, and some of that information will be repeated here.

[37] 'At War With Society' (1993) p 35.

[38] The same issue contains the atrocious smear on Tim Scargill (p14) and a usual dig at me (p21)

[39] Evening Standard 9/12/93 see also Independent 9/12/93

[40] AWWT Appendix 1 pp 25-26. A recent defector from the team has suggested that in December 1993 Gable's main concern wasn't C18, but my exposure of his activities.

[41] Third Report, HMSO 1994, p xxvi

[42] January 1994 Editorial, p 2. He was more polite about weaker regional Special Branches.

[43] ALTF p 30-32 / p37.

[44] AWWT p 25-26

[45] Phoenix 1994 p 66-86

[46] See TUTH p 68-71 also my update in Lobster 30

[47] TUTH p 81, see also pp 78-83.

[48] See June 1994 issue p 5 / August 1994 p 7 / September 1994 p 3 and my statement of response 'Searchlight: Time To Turn It Off.' (November 1995) available on various internet sites.

[49] Tape recording of meeting at London University 9/3/95 See my piece in Green Anarchist 38, June 1995, pp 12-14.

[50] See July 1996 issue p 3 for example, and earlier references cited in Lobster 30.

[51] At London University 9/3/95, my intervention reduced Robson to stuttering incoherence.

[52] Quote from March 1996 issue, p6.

[53] It is perhaps the belief that their incarceration was imminent that lies too behind the characteristically interesting article by Nick Griffin in Spearhead (issue 331 September 1996 p 12-14) implying very strongly that an (un-named) C18 is a state 'pseudo-gang' along Brigadier Frank Kitson's lines. Elsewhere in the same month Griffin wrote that fascist 'groups should agree to exchange information on violent Red and Zionist opponents -- as well as suspected state agents. (Northern Way, p 19)

[54] July 1996 issue, p4.

[55] See Spearhead 329 July 1996, p 15.

[56] p4: p 2 denounced me as 'a red' and sagely commented that 'just because he has some feud with Searchlight does not make him one of us' -- exactly!

[57] April 1995 issue, editorial p2

[58] See for example issues 155, 156 & 160, 1985-86

[59] 'L'Europe en Chemise Brune' (Reflex, Paris 1992); Grande Bretagne: Ascension et chute des enfants de Moseley'

[60] I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels' AK Press, Edinburgh 1995, p341.

[61] I have written to Reflex pointing out the incongruity of their association with Searchlight and concomitant dangers.

[62] See AWWT p 25-26 and 27 respectively.

[63] 'The Far Right on the Internet' paper given at University of Teeside 12/4/95

[64] On Icke see Dave Black 'Karma Chameleon' Outlook, September 1991 p 14-16 / Dave Black 'Son of God or Son of the Devil?' Greenline September 1994, p14-15 / Green Party Anti Racist Network Newsletter, October 1994 p1 Open Eye 3 1995 p 7 / my 'David Icke: Time For the Hard Truth, Greenline, December 1995, p15-16.

[65] See March 1995 p 12 / January 1996 p4-6 / March 1996 p 3-4 for example.

[66] Issue 71, p3, pages 1-3 cover Searchlight, and for my view of this welcome turn see Green Anarchist, June 1995, p 12-14.

[67] Of the Socialist Organiser group, whose leadership I wrote to for explanation without reply.

[68] 'Minister courted by ultra-racists' Observer 30/6/96 is by-lined Jonathan Calvert (who exists) and Nick Lowles (a suspected pseudonym)

[69] How far my disclosure goes depends on the nature of Searchlight's response to this text...

[70] See for example Independent 22/6/96, Jewish Chronicle 28/6/96

[71] Socialist Worker 22/6/96 p 11. On Hepple see AWWT p6-7.

[72] April 1992 p 15.

[73] August / September 1996, p 13, a position echoed by Statewatch (July / August 1996 p 7) who also repeat the standard uncritical line concerning the libel cases.
