Submitted by Juan Conatz on December 21, 2010

Society, emerging from the social revolution and abolishing all State organizations, will need no taxes, since all means of production and transport, all products of labor, and labor itself, will form the wealth of society as a whole.

But in the process of construction, during the Transition Period when the communistic economy exists side by side with individualistic units, society will have to tax the latter with a certain portion of their income for the sake of equality among the whole people. These contributions would be used for the maintenance and organization of transport, highways, postal services, telephone, telegraph, radio, medical and sanitary services, general education and army -- all public services which will be at the disposal of the individualistic units but in whose expenses they do not share.

Such taxation will be based on the principle of income. The amount will be determined by the General Confederation of Labor. "Taxes" will be taken in goods by the Bank of Cash-and-Goods Credit through the co-operative associations uniting the individualistic units.
