Submitted by klas batalo on June 21, 2013

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Interview Question Guide

What is your Name?
How old are you?
How long have you lived in Seattle?
When and how did you become involved in SeaSol?
What is SeaSol?
What do you see as SeaSol’s purpose? In the short term? In the long term?
Have you seen SeaSol make any decisions?
How did SeaSol decide as an organization, on those decisions?
What, if any, criteria does SeaSol base this (these) decision(s) on?
Do you think this is a fair way of making decisions?
Can you explain a bit more about why you think that?
Do you think this is an effective way of making decisions?
Does this decision making process promote active participation from everyone in the group?
Is there anything you’d like to change about SeaSol’s decision-making process?
(SeaSol Organizer) Why (or based on what criteria) did SeaSol choose to take on this fight?
Why did you choose to involve yourself at such a high level in this particular campaign?
Could you describe the background details of the fight?
How did it start?
What tactics did you use during the fight?
Which tactics seemed most effective?
How did the landlord or boss react throughout the campaign?
How, or did that effect the campaign tactics?
What else stands out in your memory from this fight?
Were you pleased with the outcome? Why or why not?
Do you think this fight helped strengthen SeaSol as an organization? Why or Why Not?
Do you think you will remain involved in SeaSol? Why or why not?
How did you feel about SeaSol (as an organization) at the beginning of this fight?
How did you feel about SeaSol (as an organization) during or after this fight?
Has your involvement in SeaSol changed or altered the way you feel about bosses or landlords?
Has your involvement in SeaSol changed you in any other ways?
The tri-fold pamphlet about SeaSol says that the organization hopes one day to create a world without bosses or landlords. What do you think about that? Do you think such a world is possible?
How would you describe your political ideology?
What you would like to see change in SeaSol?
Is there anything else you would like to add about SeaSol or this fight?
Do you have any questions for me?
