Submitted by Reddebrek on August 7, 2013

Constituent Items:

"Having a good time" the American family goes camping (Cerullo, Margaret Ewen, Phyllis)
Peace at any price? feminism, anti-imperialism and the disarmament movement (Cagan, Leslie Cerullo, Margaret Erlien, Marla Broadhead, Frank)
Solidarity, Cold War, and the Left how to respond to Poland (Broadhead, Frank)
History and myth, real and surreal interview with Carlos Fuentes
Working the fast lane jobs, technology and scientific management in the US Postal Service (Rachleff, Peter)
Poems (Kogawa, Joy Dennis, Gene Wallace, Bronwen)
Culture, politics and workers' response to industrialization in the US (Green, Jim)
Another time, another place blacks, radicals and rank and file militancy in auto in the 30s & 40s (Lichtenstein, Nelson)
Down on the farm the agrarian revolt in American history (Pope, Billy)
Beyond the Victorian syndrome feminist interpretation of the history of sexuality (DuBois, Ellen)
A future for liberal feminism? (Erlien, Marla)
ERA, RIP: but how hard should we cry at the funeral? (Diamant, Anita)
Poem (Schreiber, Ron)
Good reading

