Submitted by Reddebrek on August 11, 2013

Constituent Items:

The making of Mel King's Rainbow Coalition political changes in Boston, 1963-1983 (Green, James R.)
America's new urban politics Black electoralism, black activism (Jennings, James)
The Mel King campaign and the black community (Cason, Candice)
Poem (Walcott, Brenda)
Women hold up more than half the rainbow notes on feminism and the Mel King campaign (Cerullo, Margaret Erlien, Marla)
Ain't no stopping us now notes from the community (Herman, Ellen)
Latinos for Mel King some reflections (Bruno, Melania Gaston, Mauricio)
Grass roots politics and Boston's Asian community (Liu, Mark)
Lavender is a color in the rainbow lesbians and gays and Boston Politics (Cerullo, Margaret Erlien, Marla Raisz, Kate Shubow)
Where freedom trails race and the mayoral election in Boston (Demeter, John)
Black political protest and the mayoral victory of Harold Washington Chicago politics, 1983 (Alkalimat, Abdul Gills, Don)

