Submitted by Reddebrek on August 11, 2013

Constituent articles:

- Introduction
- Letter from the West Bank and Gaza (Butterfield, Jeanne)
- AIDS in Africa: The Western imagination and the dark continent (Cerullo, Margaret Hammonds, Evelynn)
- Multi-cultural concerns and AIDS action: Creating an alternative (Johnson, Paula Munoz, Doralba Pares, Jose)
- More than the story of a virus: Gay history, gay communities and AIDS (Padgug, Robert)
- Poem (Borawski, Walta)
- Living with AIDS (Grace, Patrick)
- Soon to be a made-for-TV movie Randy Shilts, "And The Band Played On" (Cathcart, Kevin)
- Death and the erotic imagination (Bronski, Michael)
- Night visions toward a Lesbian/Gay politics for the present (Cerullo, Margaret)
- Packaging the Contras: A case of CIA disinformation (Chamorro, Edgar)

