Voice of the People was the new name of the Lumberjack the Wobbly Weekly covering New Orleans and the surrounding area.

In July 1913, timber industry leaders persuaded the Lumberjack’s printer in Alexandria to stop printing the paper. Publication resumed in New Orleans under a new title, the Voice of the People. The Lumberjack’s motto, “An Injury To One Is An Injury To All,” was retained, as was its four-page, three-column format. The focus of reporting initially remained the same; by 1914, however, having grown frustrated with largely unsuccessful efforts to organize southern timber workers, Hall was devoting greater attention to the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest and Montana, as well as to labor disputes associated with the United Fruit Company in Central America and the Caribbean.
Vol. 2, no. 46 was published concurrently, but with completely different contents, in New Orleans and Portland, Oregon. In July 1914, lack of support in the South finally led Hall to transfer publication of the paper in full to Portland, where he served as editor for two months before turning the job over to B. E. Nilsson and returning to New Orleans. The Voice of the People appears to have found no more of an audience in the Northwest than in the South, and its last issue was published on December 3, 1914.
Despite difficulties, the Voice of the People AKA the Lumberjack continued publication until November 1914.
That's it (this time I'm sure) there was one other issue in December but it hasn't been digitised. Number 28 is missing its final page.
This is embarassing but I
This is embarassing but I just found out that Voice continued to be published for another year http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064458/issues/1914/
In my defence the Library of Congress is a terrible website and an absolute chore to navigate. I'll upload the rest eventually.
The work is still
The work is still appreciated.