Submitted by Juan Conatz on June 29, 2014

Unity in strategy is key for any revolutionary organization to succeed. The essence of any strategy should be the attempted answering of three main questions: 1) What kind of world do we live in? 2) What kind of world do we want to live in? and 3) How to we get from the way the world is to the way we want it to be? The general answers to the first two questions are found in our Platform/Points of Unity. There we describe, purposefully brief and open to expansion, the way the world is and a vision of a world worth fighting for. This section is our general answer to begin getting to that point.

A. Radicalizing Local Movements
If we are to be successful in our endeavor to spread the theory and practice of revolutionary anarchism we must have a coherent strategy that can tap into popular movements, community organizing, mass demonstrations and upheavals. This strategy can only be successful if it is coordinated amongst the anarchist cadre and takes on a consistent, principled, and dedicated character.

By consistent we mean that we will have certain members who take part in certain organizations’ work on a long term basis, that members will do regular political work rather than the occasional or sporadic approach, and that the organization as a whole will constantly attend speakers, forums, protests, rallies, etc. to show support, build our popular movements, and promote revolutionary anarchism as a viable alternative to the current order.

B. Working With and Amongst Oppressed People
It is essential that we build primarily with people who are objectively oppressed in this society and who have very little reason to see capitalism and the state exist. This includes various sections of the population and is most represented in the ghettoes and barrios of northeast Ohio. We must build our support base in these areas as much as possible by following the idea of the late Kwame Nkrumah who suggested that revolutionaries live amongst the oppressed, learn from them, and build with them rather than for (charity) them.

This does not mean that we should avoid or ignore work amongst all those who are willing to work with us as revolutionary anarchists. But, as a strategy, it means that we prioritize building resistance with the most objectively oppressed groups in this society.

C. Spreading Revolutionary Anarchism
The power of knowledge should never be underestimated. While there are literally millions of people within the U.S. who have nothing but disdain for capitalism and the state, that is not enough. It is fundamental that we spread the idea and possibility of a world without oppression in concrete terms and well thought out ways. There are two primary ways this can be done:

Educational Materials. This includes flyers, newspapers, and all literature. This includes the distribution of the anarchist paper, Onward, building a revolutionary anarchist distro, and the continuance and expansion of our monthly study group sessions.

Personal Discussion. This includes informal discussions with groups and/or individuals, formal discussions at open forums and events, speaking engagements, rallies, etc.

D. Internationalism
Revolutions, especially those in imperialist nations, that truly wish to fundamentally take on exploitation and injustice must be internationalist in character. Internationalism requires us to work in solidarity with international struggles for liberation, seek out and work with international revolutionary anarchist and liberatory forces, and constantly interject the importance of a global understanding in all areas of society and struggle.

E. Building Counter-Institutions
The final facet to our strategy is attempting to create counter-institutions to meet the material needs and revolutionary desires of people in ways that emulate revolutionary anarchism. This may include food and clothing centers, housing, bookstores, community centers and more.
