Politics (December 1945)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on October 22, 2014

Cover (p. 353)
Macdonald, Dwight. Starvation! America's Christmas gift to the European peoples (pp. 353-364)
Wiser, Arthur. Letter to a judge (pp. 364-365)
Frost; Andrea. The decline of the French Communists (pp. 366-367)
Bettelheim, Bruno. trials and german War re-education (pp. 368-369)
Macdonald, Dwight. roads in New Politics (p. 369)
Herberg, Will. roads in New Politics. Personalism against totalitarianism (pp. 369-374)
Caffi, Andrea (European). roads in New Politics. Towards a socialist program (pp. 374-376)
Goodman, Paul. roads in New Politics. Revolution, sociolatry and war (pp. 376-380)
Orlansky, Harold. Periodicals. "Racial and religious prejudice in everyday living" (pp. 380-381)
(Balticus). The intelligence office. The germans are clean and neat (pp. 381-382)
The intelligence office (p. 382)
Macdonald, Dwight. Reports on food packages (pp. 383-384)
This is Berysch P. (P.. 384)

