Submitted by pogo on April 12, 2015

Letters: Letter from Marx to OSCAR LUDWIG BERNHARD WOLFF

Letters of Marx and Engels 1841

Letter from Marx to Oscar Ludwig Bernhard Wolf

in Jena

Written: Berlin, April 7 [1841]

Source: Marx Engels Collected Works Vol 1, pg 380.

Publisher: International Publishers (1975)

First Published: the yearlyArchiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung, 1926

Translated: Clemens Dutt

Transcribed: S. Ryan

HTML Markup: S. Ryan

Dear Herr Professor,

In expressing my most sincere thanks for your great kindness in fulfilling my request, I take the liberty of informing you that I have just sent my dissertation, together with the accompanying material, to the faculty of philosophy, and I beg you, in accordance with your kind offer, to be so good as to hasten the dispatch of the diploma. I thought that I had already made too great a claim on your kindness to dare to trouble you still further by sending my dissertation direct to you.

Assuring you of my most sincere gratitude and highest respect,

I remain

Yours most devotedly,

Karl Heinrich Marx
