Communist Bulletin, Issue 11 - Winter 1986-87

Cover of Communist Bulletin issue 11.
Cover of Communist Bulletin issue 11.

Communist Bulletin, Issue 11 - Winter 1986-87

Submitted by schalken on May 9, 2016

"South Africa in Crisis." The racist state of South Africa faces the generalised crisis of capitalism with more brutality.
"Wildcat." Moralising counter-racism is not enough.
"Teachers. Back to the Chalk Face." No end in sight to the Teachers dispute as they fight on against the State.
"Correspondence." With India: A letter to Communist Internationalist from the CBG and a leaflet handed out by them to striking textile workers in Delhi. With South America: the 'Internationalist Proposal' and two groups in Argentina and Uraguay and our reply. With the EFICC: our response to their article in International Corresp. 3.
"Blast from the Past." 'Bilan' on the War in Spain from 1936 shows the capitalist nature of both fascism and anti-fascism.
"Book Review." "Voices from the Spanish Civil War" is really a collection of 'Echoes of Defeat', demonstrated how workers were mobilised in defence of democracy and capitalism.


cb11.pdf (7.65 MB)
