The May 2007 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Submitted by Juan Conatz on May 15, 2016

Contents include:

LA 'troqueros' mobilize for May Day shutdown by Gideon Dev

- Starbucks violated workers' rights, says NLRB

- Detroit's traveling Wobbly kitchen

- Zimbabwe workers win court case, face violence

- U Michigan temps organize with IWW

- Shattuck Cinema workers rally for contract

- FAU calls for solidarity with German carers

- Serb workers, students occupy University of Belgrade

- The revolution will not be amplified: an interview with Tom Morello

- Review: Songs of the workers to fan the flames of discontent

- IWW in Scotland presses Save Crichton campaign

- Struggling AFSCME local in Amherst gets a taste of IWW

- IWW pickets Starbucks shareholders meeting

- Polish workers from anarchist union fired
