The Vol. 10, No. 1 (July 1952) issue of Resistance, an anarchist publication produced out of New York.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on July 10, 2016

Contents include:

-Essays on the war

-1. In quest of the lesser disaster by David Thoreau Wieck

-2. The American century by David Thoreau Wieck

-Poem by Howard Griffin

-3. The military subordination by David Thoreau Wieck

-Poem: Oak Ridge, Australia by Howard Griffin

-The audience of the Kefauver hearings by Paul Goodman

-Poem by Paul Goodman

-A liberal lack of imagination by Arthur Geller

-Review: Journey through utopia by Marie Louise Berneri (Review by Michael Grieg)

-The new comedy: a critique of "The Lonely Crowd" by Irving Feldman

-Poem: For evening clowns by James Boyer May

-Reflections occasioned by publication of the memoirs of Whittaker Chambers by David Thoreau Wieck

-An urgent appeal to our readers

-Financial statement

-The anarchist bookshelf (literature list)

This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
