The July 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 3) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.
Industrial Pioneer (July 1923)
Contents include:
-The great agricultural workers' drive
-How to strike by Vern Smith
-A Ford slave speaks up
-Eighty-five days in irons
-The international situation by Henry Van Dorn
-Poem: "O, say, can you see?" by Brent Dow Allinson
-El Proceso Wilckens by Leone Esmond
-The significance of the modern city by George Williams
-Revolutionary history and the workers by Pasquale Russo
-Poem: Caliban in the coal mines by Louis Untermeyer
-Tightline Johnson goes to heaven by William Akers
-Savage survivals in higher peoples by J. Howard Moore
-Poem: A cry from the ghetto by Morris Rosenfeld
-Poem: The people by Tommaso Campanella
-The question box
-Rational living versus Abrams by Benzion Liber, M.D.
-Organization news and views
-Poem: Cry of the people by John G. Neilhardt
-With our readers and contributors
This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.