Industrial Pioneer (July 1923)

The July 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 3) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on March 17, 2017

Contents include:

-The great agricultural workers' drive

-How to strike by Vern Smith

-A Ford slave speaks up

-Eighty-five days in irons

-The international situation by Henry Van Dorn

-Poem: "O, say, can you see?" by Brent Dow Allinson

-El Proceso Wilckens by Leone Esmond

-The significance of the modern city by George Williams

-Revolutionary history and the workers by Pasquale Russo

-Poem: Caliban in the coal mines by Louis Untermeyer

-Tightline Johnson goes to heaven by William Akers

-Savage survivals in higher peoples by J. Howard Moore

-Poem: A cry from the ghetto by Morris Rosenfeld

-Poem: The people by Tommaso Campanella


-The question box

-Rational living versus Abrams by Benzion Liber, M.D.

-Organization news and views

-Poem: Cry of the people by John G. Neilhardt

-With our readers and contributors

This issue scanned for as part of an effort which was made possible from funds donated by our users.

